
Tuesday, June 05, 2007


I don't know what it is about what you do or how you feel about what you do that makes you act like you are better than me. That me doing something different makes me not quite as good - or as accomplished - as you.

I can totally not understand how you could find you are better simply by doing what you are doing when in actuality what you are doing is what EVERYBODY else does. If it's something every friggin' body does, then how does it make you any more special? Shouldn't I be the one acting like BigHead because I have chosen to take the road less travelled by?

Maybe in my head, I am the better person because I have taken the road less travelled by. Maybe choosing to be different is actually the more diffiuclt choice to make.

But that's not even what it is all about. What I'm trying to say is: why must you make me feel inadequate by glorifying what you do?

Of course, there is the possibility that on some level, I myself feel inadequate and less accomplished than you becasue you are doing something that I choose not to do. Yes, that thought has crossed my mind.

But when I think about it ... and I dont even have to think too hard to come to this conclusion ... I realise that the choices I have made (and continue to make) are made by me for a reason: I don't see life as a prescription.

I don't see Life as a step-by-step guide where someone has mapped out for you the things you need to do and told you the specific order you need to do them in and then put little boxes with recomended timelines.


To me, Life is not a board game: Pass Go, Collect 200$ ... Get Out of Jail Free ... you have two hotels and BANG, you have it made.

Agreed, what you are doing is accepted as being a Great Thing and what I want to do might be Questionable. But Questionable according to whom?

I don't have a problem. Arfiman doesn't have a problem. No one has a problem except you and all those other guys who are going down the Other Road, and a whole load of other people to whom Life is obviously a set of dos-donts in very very black and white.

The sad part is, that whole load of other people includes some people I love very very much.

Why does it always have to be this way when it comes down to making a Big Decision? Why can't one simply choose to do what one wants without having to worry about the repurcussions on/from the people one loves?

It's sad really that this has to come between us, but if it has, then that's the way this cookie's crumbled.


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