BPC the spokeswoman?
And so ends another week at work. Honestly, I don't know where time flies these days. It's been a very exciting few weeks at work with lots of projects (and hence lots of pressure) with the added reason to finish all work soon in light of upcoming holiday (BPC and Arfiman to possibly go to HK mid-April).
Don't know where the last five days went. All I know is that LOTS of work remain undone with about five more working days to do it in. Yum. Don't know how I would function if I wasn't under pressure.
And let me just add at this point that I can't help feeling thankful every single day for Alhamdolillah being in a job that excites me every single day.
This week I had the luxury of being in training for two WHOLE days ... with my laptop not working with the WiFi at hand! I call it a luxury because - theoretically speaking - once you go on a training, you set up an 'Out of office' reply on your Outlook so all the five million people emailing you know that you are out and will not expect you to respong to their email in 2.5 seconds - but in actuality, you have to take your laptop to the training session and steal five or ten minutes here and there to check your emails and keep up. It gets a bit tiresome and does not allow you to be as focussed on the training as you would like to be.
And that's why my laptop not working with the training venue's WiFi gave me the rare opportunity to enjoy two full days of training without any other pressures.
I just had an awesome awesome two days.
The training was on Media and Crisis Management for potential spokespeople within Crazy Headquarters and let me blow my own trumpet here a bit - I was quite flattered that BossLady would nominate BPC as a potential spokesperson for Crazy Headquarters. So there li'l ole BPC sat in the training surrounded by Directors and felt glad that someone sees some potential in her. LOL. Fact ot be pointed out: BPC was the only female amongst the six trainees. Hm.
Now, it is not a commonly known fact yet a very true one that BPC is terrified of video cameras. Still cameras I can do. I love posing for pictures. But turn on a video camera and watch me put my foot in my mouth ... if i don't burst into tears first!
It was very very difficult to go through the first video interview. That dang camera looking right at me! Yikes! But kudos to the trainer ... he was A M A Z I N G.
In two days flat, I have NO fear of the camera anymore. Not only do I no longer put my foot in my mouth and say everything a spokesperson should NOT say, but I have been told by the training company that they think I might be an ideal spokesperson as I have 'a very camera-friendly persona' and that they would be recommending me to BossLady as such. Yay!
Okay, trumpet-blowing aside, I was amazed at the insight I got into the tricky world of spokesmanship. How sly these slimy buggers are! We learned techniques on how to avoid any qustuons we didn't answer and how to go into interviews knowing what you want to say and say EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT TO SAY REGARDLESS OF THE QUESTIONS BEING ASKED. It was totally awesome.
Okay so u work for a Gov agency or some giant multi billion multi national company that needs its spokesman trained for camera and what not? ^o)
If I told you I would have to kill you ;)
And I like jonybr alive much more than NOT :)
how on earth did you get a great job without a proper degree!?
Like the arabs she gets her team to do the work while she spends time in training and chatting on the net.
Can you see how little work she does hence the amount of work pending!
I am so popular these days :)
I think thats what you wanted. Well prostitutes are also popular these days in Dubai, why dont you start that proffession too. You dont need a degree for that also ;)
I'm sorry but this is going way overboard...way out of line... anonymous... honestly... if there's a point you need to prove... u need to say that and only that... I may disaggree with BPC's views too BUT that DOESNOT give me the right to vilify her.
Let it be Arfiman, it's obviously someone so jealous that the only way they can make themselves feel better is by trying to belittle me.
Makes no difference whatsoever.
Don't bother asking for their identity, because they probably have none worth mentioning.
bpc and arfiman... guys... this person obviously has a some kind of a weird grudge.... everyone can see that... he's only picking fights with u guys to provoke u... and if u keep on answering him... she/he's achieving success... just treat it as nonsense and ignore him...
An afterthought... if this person is so bugged abt language... then why is he/she using bad language him or herself... kinda defeats the purpose of the argument ..i would say :)
(first original anonymous)
just to make it clear, i was just curious, not the same anonymous person who is using such profanity.
@first original anonymous:
Apologies if your question was a genuine one. The answer is: when you communicate well, you communicate well. Period. Degrees can teach you stuff, but some people are born with some skills and I think 'communication' is one of mine. :) If you love what you do and do what you love - long enough and with enough passion and dedication - eventually you find yourself in place like mine (stamped papers optional)!
Thanks God your language is improved now no more abusive words keep it up. NO more comments from now on.
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