Jeans and Stillettoes
I never thought of myself as a particularly stylish person. I've always been very laidback and casual in my dressing.
Heck, till some years ago, my dress sense was actually cringeworthy ... I look at some old pix and I can't imagine what I was THINKING when I bought that stuff!!!
The last few weeks though, have been refreshingly pleasant in that regard. I am going to blow my own trumpet here a bit (and I am allowed on my own blog if no where else)
The last few weeks I have received so many compliments on the way I dress that I might have gotten a little big-headed. (Which, I must add, is partially due to the fact that I seriously reconsidered my choice of workwear recently, but more on that later)
There is at least one Male who is totally obsessed with my choice of footwear and insists on being shown what shoes I am wearing on any given day our paths cross. Had a very funny moment today leaving a meeting whereby Male suddenly realized he hadn't seen my shoes and demanded a look. So there I am, balancing overstuffed handbag in one hand and laptop in the other, thinking 'Hm, how do I do this?'. I put a foot forward and give a peek (of my very beloved new acquisition, I must add: GodBless Victoria's Secret). He complained that my jeans were too long and he couldn't see the whole item. *sigh* Some tricky rebalancing, laptop shifting to hand already occupied with handbag and very discreet lifting of jeans to display the 'whole item'. Male left THAT meeting very content and very much in approval of my choice of footwear ... yet again.
Same shoes, another day, girls in another department totally oohing-aahing over. "Can I try it one?", "You have some real guts wearing shoes like this ... I could never carry it off", "Where did you GET these?!". LOL
Not bad for a pair that cost $39 plus shipping. If any of you gals is interested in talk-worthy paira stillettos, here's the link:
Back to me and my 'style' for now, though. A few weeks ago I made an unintentional fauxpas that could have turned out real ugly, but turned out more to be a clear victory on my end (so someone IS watching over me after all!):
Annual dinner for company. Somewhere on the invite it DID say to wear dressy/formal workwear. Ofcourse, me being the way I am, did not read that bit. So I show up in a very funky Fuschia dress bought from Bershka (85 dhs!). And I walk into a sea of black dresses and skirt suits.
I feel out of place for about five seconds until ALL eyes turn on me ... in a good way! That was two months ago and I still bump into people who rave about my 'smart' decision to wear such a funky outfit. LOL
So it was a few days ago that I finally decide I have HAD it with the corporate uniform of formal (read: uncomfortable) trousers and stiff collared shirts. Those things are a bitch to iron and how many times have I cheated and shown up at work with trousers without a sharp crease or tried to hid an unironed shirt under a jacket. Screw that. I'm more of a jeans kinda gal and to hell with anyone who tries to tell me otherwise.
So I twist my wardrobe around and show up for work in *gasp* jeans!
Don't get me wrong though .. it's still work and there is still a corporate image to uphold .. and that's where the fitted jackets come in.
Turns out, it might be the fact that I am looking 'different' from the sea of coordinated suits, or maybe simply the fact that I am for the first time entirely comfortable with what I am wearing for nine hours a day straight: the audience is loving it.
For one thing, all my shoes go better with my jeans. Damn my stilletto obsession :) But GodBless the common ol' jean and the five inch heel for making a petite girl look leggy.
I just might have stumbled on a winning combination here though. Damn, I FEEL good in dem jeans and heels and jacket. Not to forget the afore mentioned compliments I receive. *blush* Yes, modesty was never one of my strengths anyway.
LOL ... I even attended a meeting with The Big Bosses just to gauge their level of approval (or lack thereof) of jeans on A Day That Is Not Thursday, and you know what? I don't think they even give a tiny rat's ass what I wear. And if they don't, WHY SHOULD I TORTURE MYSELF WITH TROUSERS ?!!!
Never again.
Never EVER again.
(PS: Soon, I will put up a post about my nine pairs of shiny new footwear courtesty Victoria's Secret. So bring on dem anoynmous comments about me being shallow .... )