
Friday, August 11, 2006

I know I tend to use a lot of words when something effects me, and I know that sometimes too many words is not the best way to get your point across. For that reason, I held back on writing about this whole plne-bomb-threat shit that just blew up in everyone's face.

I just couuldn't find the right words. Not in my head. I found them on Orkut. I am a memebr of a community called Muslims Against Terrorism. It is filled with hatred against Islam and Muslims. I can't really blame people for feeling the way they do.

I read a post there today on how this kind of situation can be avoided, that made a lot of sense to me:

PROFILE travelers!!!The best possible way: - make it inconvenient for Muslims but NOT ANYONE ELSE!!!They could actually have done something like this: any Muslim wishing to travel on a specific route would have to wait until there were enough other Muslims to fill a plane. Once there would be enough of them, they'd all be asked to come to the airport, have special security just for their plane.All passengers and crew on that plane would be Muslims, which means that if they blew it up, they would kill ONLY MUSLIMS, for which they'd go to hell, according to their believe system, so they'd not do it (one would hope).All non-Muslim passengers would be SAFE and could travel like always with minimal security.

And you know what? It makes perfect sense. I can't even argue with it. It's come to a point where I feel that these animals deserve to be locked up in a cage and separated from the rest of the world. Sadly, me and mine being Muslims will probably end up in that cage too.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree. I don't think it's a muslim thing. People who are brown period go through this kinda treatment.

It's only moments like these I wish I was a pale white-ass.

7:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


This perspective is definitely a first.

Btw, love your summer holiday stories. Good for you.

I'm vacation starved and bitter. Boo!

10:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't like news like these.

10:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assuiming of course there was a plot. They have shot and killed one person and said whoops. Barged into the home of two Brit/Pak brothers shot one of them and said whoops.

So on what basis are you agreeing with the Muslims against terrorism?

6:26 AM  
Blogger Kurt said...

A couple friends of mine from montreal told me a story about this Black Comedian who does a show every saturday night. This one particular friend was Arab, and the other thought it would be funny to raise the point to the comedian to use for some real funny terrorist jokes.
So he stuck up his hand and said, "hey ____ we have an Arab in the house!"
Expecting the worst to come out, everyone sat down. The comedian looked toward the Arab sitting in the room and smiled. Only 2 words came out at first. "Hangon Brother"
Stunned, the crowd didn't quite get the joke, but a few burst out chuckles here and there.
"First it was the Jews, then it was us Africans, now God Forbid its on you. But It shall pass, so just Holdon Brother."

11:57 AM  

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