
Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Ramble Ramble Ramble

Do you have days when you have so much work and you're so weighed down that you cant even start your first task?


BPC is having one of those.

I 'm looking at my list. It's got at least fifty things on it. Among it are three new brochures (ALL NEW TEXT!), an update of the company e-induction, some speeches (i HATE pseeches) and a gazillion little tidbits. All of which are due TOMORROW.

And what have I done since the morning? I have checked my scraps on Orkut maybe 2568 times. I have checked my Yahoo mail a few dozen times. I have googled a lot of the people I know. And now it's 12 and it's halfway through the workday and I DON'T HAVE NEARLY ENOUGH TIME TO MEET MY DEADLINES!

I need help.

No, not the psychiatric kind (shame on you!) but the 'other people in the office' kind.

Do you know that I have been doing three people's job for about three months now? I guess it's pretty amazing that I didn't lose it till now. Hopefully, we have a new recruit coming in next week part time and then full time from the week after.

This was supposed to be a one-liner psot, but my procrastination has led me to elocute quite ... well, erm ... eloquently.

Much along the same lines, Tabz is in town with her Sis in tow. All they want to do is go clubbing. And I look at them and I look at me and I marvel at how they are three-years-ago versions of me. All I want to do these days is curl up with a shisha and have a relaxed chat with a group of friends. Whatever happened to my partaaaaay days? nah, I don't think I was ever into clubbing that much anyway.

But looking at these two makes me marvel also at how much energy people have on holiday. These girls shop non stop. So energy and money, I guess.

Today they want to go to the beach right after I come home from work,and then bowling and then to Boudoir. Yeah right ... with me having gotten about four hours of sleep last night, i really think that's gonna happen after an eight hour work day. LOL. Oh, and I think I should cook dinner too. I made brownies yesterday at midnight and they all went MAD smacking their lips. And I cleaned the kitchen spotless. Yes, I'm a little bit crazy that way.

I also got little baskets from Ikea to put in my cabinets to stroe my little jars in so I don't have to stack them on top of each other . You do notice how this rambles on and on with seemingly no point, don't you?

The point is, I'm so glad to have come to that realization that even when I have too much work to do and not enough time to do it in, I wouldn't change a thing.

Tabz asked in passing yesterday howthehell I could get up at 6:45 five days a week to go to WORK.

Honestly speaking, I think I'd go mad if I didn't.

I'd go shopping everyday and spend all our money (that would be Arafaat's money, seeing as in tis hypothetical situation, I ain't working!!) in the first week of the month.

And therein lies the dilemma: being a DINKy couple (Dual Income, No Kids) we have more money than we need, but no time to spend it in. And should I quit, I would have all the time I need but onyl half the money.

PS: Our plan for spending all the money we weren't able to spend the past year, is to go to London in Peak Season and spend two weeks there. Ah, pure decadence. Lying in till noon and shopping like mad. Coming home broke and contended that we really are quite Middle Class after all.

Shall I go get some speeches written now?


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