
Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Why? Why?!! Why?!!!!!

In the comments section of my 'Down with the Danes' post, jimbob said...

"... no-one has given an adequate explaination of why that means that the Danish Government should apologise, or why Danish people and companies should be attacked ... the Danish newspaper has complete autonomy and should answer for its own actions. Go and protest outside its doors if you want, but don't bring everyone else into this ... What many Muslims are doing by broadly targeting Danes (as you do in your article) and even westerners as a whole, instead of just the newspaper, is to make the same mistake a few westerners made following the various al-Qaeda sponsored attacks. It was wrong to blame the entire Muslim faith for the actions of an extremist minority and threatened to escalate the matter into a war of words or worse ..."

You said it Jimbo!

Why is it so unfair that the entire nation of Danes should suffer the consequences of what a handful of Danes did, when it is totally acceptable that a WHOLE GLOBEFUL of muslims, make it a WHOLE RELIGION, be maligned because of a handful like Al Qaeda?

Why doesn't that Bloody Bastard (Bush) take it up with Al Qaeda instead of waging a War Against Terror? Why? Why? Why?

Furthermore ... why is it okay for people to die for the stupidest of reasons to this day (least of all, all the Palestinians killed by bloody Israel) and people don't give a shit: the same people who mourn the holocaust to this date and prosecute those who denythe holocaust or voice implication thereof? Why?!!! Why?!!!!! It was just ONE BLOODY INCIDENT AMONG THOUSANDS!!!! What merits it to be glorified as such? You want numbers? Go here:

Why glorify the holocaust? Why associate religious extremism only to Islam? Why should the US be the self proclaimed keeper of pease while it's the onle that wages the most wars? Why? Why?!! Why?!!!!!

There ARE no answers to these questions.

The early bird gets the worm and The Big Guy gets all the concessions.

In the end, 'history' is not what happened a long time ago ... it is merely the stroy as told by The Big Guy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the answers are easier to find if we assume - for the sake of the argument - that the motivations of most of the people involved involved in many of the things you mention are essentially selfish and self-serving.

6:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...and who believe they will not be held accountable for thier actions.


12:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This from an article says it all “What has happened in Europe is that the secular press, which loves to mock the beliefs and symbols of religious faith, has now insulted a deadly serious religion that answers insults with action.”


1:26 AM  

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