
Tuesday, December 19, 2006

We don't need no stinkin' badges!!!

The internet is wierd. WIERD I tells ya!

We're currently suffering an IT Audit at the Crazy Headquarters. Which basically means we have to not download any random programs from the internet for a few days (which we're not supposed to anyway, but can we PLEASE listen just for a FEW days) and we're supposed to actually log in our requests with the IT department's online request system instead of walking into the IT room and grabbing the closest guy and demand he "HELP ME NOW NOW NOW!" (which we're not supposed to do either, but which is far far more effective than logging a a request and then tracking it. Some light flirting helps as well - as does wearing a skirt - seeing as all the IT guys are, well, guys).

AND we're supposed to wear our ID badges.

When Ate told me I have to wear my ID badge during the audit period, my automatic response was "Badges! I don't need no Stinkin' Badges!" and immediately collapsed into a fit of laughter.

Only thing is .. after about ten seconds I had to stop because:

a) It wasn't turning into the co-conpiratorial laugh that situations like these tend to turn into around the Crazy Headquarters.
b) Ate and Kaju were begining to look like they thought I had lost the plot

Which only meant one thing:

They had no idea what "stinkin' badges" was all about.


The thought of it.

I wrang them by their necks, shook them by their shoulders, but T H E Y H A D N O C L U E.

So I quickly Googled it. Mother of all cures. And up pops

The self proclaimed "primary Internet resource for references to 'Stinking Badges. " LOL

That's what I mean when I say the internet is W E I R D.

Now go to the link and amuse thyselves by listening to various audio clips of people telling other people that they don't "need no Stinkin' Badges!".

LOL. I love the internet.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

*weird (notice spelling)

10:51 PM  

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