
Monday, January 16, 2006


The last few days - with it having been Baqra Eid and all - Arfiman and I have been discussing the religious requirements of this Eid, it's origins and it's relevance in today's world. Sadly, we both have been grappling to make some sense out of it.

That's what I like about my Arfiman ... he doesn't take things for granted and he will always question things ... not do things simly because he's ben told to do them, or because that's who they've always ben done. Me? I'm more of a Myna Bird. Tell me and I'll do it. Not anymore though.

So anyway, we were wondering, isn't it funny how we make fun of Hindus and all their offering mithai and whatnot to their Devis and Deotas? And how we condemn animal sacrifice by cults?

What makes it any better when we do it? Okay, agreed Allah wants us to, but don't they beleive their God wants them to do it too? How does that make them any less civilised than us?

I mean, I do believe, but sometimes I struggle with my faith. So many things just do not seem to make sense, and sorry, but when it doesn't make sense, you begin to wonder ....

Take the whole Hajj thing for example. What is up with all those people dying every year?

People go on Hajj to save their souls, not to lose their lives.

400 people died in the stampede this year. And that's not it. How about this:

2004: 251 trampled to death in stampede
2003: 14 are crushed to death
2001: 35 die in stampede
1998: At least 118 trampled to death
1997: 343 pilgrims die and 1,500 injured in fire
1994: 270 killed in stampede
1990: 1,426 pilgrims killed in tunnel leading to holy sites
1987: 400 die as Saudi authorities confront pro-Iranian demonstration

I was just chatting with a friend about this, and he says "It's not the fault of the muslims. Expert foreign (european) professionals MUST have been involved in the planning and construction including the safety issues... and no doubt they were paid good money by the saudis ..."

Very nice then, lay the blame on the gora YET AGAIN.

Tell me, what good is it if experts come and do some great good? All of it can easily be undone by our jaahil 'ummah'.

I am sorry, but the common Muslim man is perhaps the filthiest creature alive today.

Have you ever been to a public washroom after a mussalman has done wadhuing? I work in Knowledge Village and before that in DMC, both near the prayer rooms and trust me, you DO NOT want to go near hte bathrooms close to prayer time.

I'm talking Suez Canal on the floor and 'Let's See Who Can Mush up the Most Paper Towels and Throw Them on the Floor' and people using TOILET ROLL instead of paper towels.

Somebody invented paper towels, but there's still water all over everything AND mud streak in the sink. Somebody bloody invented a SINK WITH A DRAIN FOR THE WATER TO GO DOWN, but it's all on the BLOODY FLOOR for some reason!

Did you hear that the stampede was caused by a couple of sad fucks ... oh, sorry, HAJIS and HAJJANS ... who KNEW no one was allowed to bring luggage into a specific area but still did just to slice a few minutes off their return trip and the victims tripped over this luggage (and over other rubbish left by holy devouts) and hence the whole scenario.

There must have been a time when Islam brought great civilization to the barbarians, but nowadays, it just seems like us Muslims are experts at undoing civilization.


Blogger inspirex said...

Interesting observation.
The purpose of sacrifice in islam is to offer in the path of the creator what one loves most. The prophets case was His son, but ultimately the animal. The spirit is to sacrifice, an animal though, is Sunnah, not mandatory.
A lot of people do the animal, and then stuff their freezer. That is against the whole purpose!

4:43 AM  
Blogger inspirex said...

About the haj arrangements and people losing their lives there? Im sure the europeans were expecting a much more civil and atleast a common sense oriented use to the items they sold the Saudis. They are to blame for overexpecting from the muslim nation.
And i couldnt agree more on the Suez canals!

4:48 AM  
Blogger inspirex said...

Ooh! And its not just the water! The smell is killing too!
Come to think of it, our religion places cleanliness as half faith. If people remained clean, would there be any foul smells?
You can often hear (and smell) people burping away during taravih prayers too.
So much for being considerate!

4:52 AM  
Blogger inspirex said...

Ooh! And its not just the water! The smell is killing too!
Come to think of it, our religion places cleanliness as half faith. If people remained clean, would there be any foul smells?
You can often hear (and smell) people burping away during taravih prayers too.
So much for being considerate!

4:53 AM  
Blogger inspirex said...

Im sorry for using multiple posts to speak my mind, but the platform im on only allows a limited text value to be sent, hence the multiple posts!
I hope your desk gets transferred to a better location!
Sorry again.

5:00 AM  
Blogger Abbas Halai said...

yup. mass modern religions are really something to wonder about, especially since none of them existed until very recently in history.

5:52 AM  
Blogger KM said...

u know, i cant claim to be a good muslim(practicing), but i have realized that once u start questioning such things...ull question about u try reading a transalted version of the Quran...dont make assumptions and the refernce we've been given, then i think ull have a better stand to pose all these questionsand u might even find ur answers.
the problem with hajj is illiteracy...there really is no literacy criteria for hajj, u know the consequences of jahalat, had these people been parha likha, maybe we'd have avoided such a catastrophe.
and about sacrificing...well we're sacrificing animals which are already on the food if it were a dog or cat,or a horse,or some random animal sacrificed just for that sake, then yes its condemnable!
im actually only saying stuff that im making sence out of i told u , if i were to give u verifications, then id first refer to the does have answers!
dont get offended...i need to read a translated copy of the quran too, because i sometimes find myself in ur situation too, but then i stop, because i realize that my questions would be justified, IF i had read the Quran by translation and not found the answers.
dont ruin ur faith babe!
and u know(if uve read my blog) that this comment is totally uncharacteristic of im not a

6:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you guys, I don't even know where to begin!

Khizzy bravo!

9:56 AM  
Blogger Shezalldat said...

arfiman... Allah swt says in the quran that man has been created to do nothing but worship Him. Acc to the quran, our wealth and children belong to Allah subhana Wa tala anyway. If we were to sacrifice them, we are returning to Him what He gave us to begin with. What we have to understand here is, that the sacrifice of our first born... prophet abraham was asked to do it years before us. such was his taqwa that he honored Allah's command. Do remember that Prophet ibrahim won the title of Khalil Allah.. meaning friend of Allah. He withstood 70 yrs of having no children, he was exiled from his hometown and then once again. he faced challenges after challenges and EARNED his title. Allah knows that we are not able to make this sacrifice and hence he did not ask us.

hope its clear.

3:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arfiman Wrote:

am just saying that we, in that same ideology, not condemn anyone who does anything in the name of God - because as far as THEY are concerned their God told them to do it.

That is correct. Ours (Muslims) is not to condem but to deliver the message.

That is where our responsibility ends.

Whether one heeds the message is another thing.


12:29 AM  

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